Revisit a song

There was a song that was popular in the early 1970’s by Helen Reddy, I Am Woman.  If you go back and look at the lyrics they are very appropriate for what is happening today with the MeToo Movement and the increase in the number of women being elected to all types of public offices all over this country this past election cycle. If you get a chance check it out. It was a popular song in the early Women’s Movement and it’s good to revisit these things and see how much things have changed and to remind us that we have more work to do.

Tracey Weems – Expressions of Tracey

Sleeping in

Every day I smash my alarm clock, feeling tired. I argue with myself to get up or just sleep a little longer. Then when I have a day where I can sleep in, I even stay up later knowing full well I am going to sleep in the next morning and it never fails, I wake up at the crack of dawn, wide awake and can’t go back to sleep.

Blast from the past

Take a moment and turn your thoughts to a past memory. With all of the crazy and negative things going on I wanted to focus my thoughts on something fun. I remember a time in my past where I was happy just being me. I use to love my VW Bug. It had seen better days, in fact the front had been dented and covered in some gray cement, but it didn’t even matter. Once I put a bit of wax onto the remaining orange paint it was ready to go. It had a sun roof, a radio and a cassette player and that’s all I needed. It gave me that wonderful feeling of independence where I could get up and go any time I wanted. I enjoyed driving then, just driving to drive and it didn’t even matter the destination. The breeze was cool and life felt easy. Have a great day!