Sleeping in

Every day I smash my alarm clock, feeling tired. I argue with myself to get up or just sleep a little longer. Then when I have a day where I can sleep in, I even stay up later knowing full well I am going to sleep in the next morning and it never fails, I wake up at the crack of dawn, wide awake and can’t go back to sleep.

Flossing Mayhem

Be honest, how are you doing with the flossing? I will admit that I do not like to floss my teeth.  I do it but not nearly as much as I should. I just don’t like the standard string floss, trying to get it wrapped around my fingers just so and while doing my best to get all the way to my back teeth I will inevitably have the floss shred and then I am stuck with some thin piece of shredded floss now stuck between my teeth that I cannot get out. I find it frustrating.

Well I decided to purchase a water pick type device that shoots water. Great I can massage my gums and floss all at the same time.  I loaded up the device with water and turned it on, playing around with the pressure and got started shooting the water into my mouth. Now when you go to the dentist they have that suction tube that they use to drain water out of your mouth, when you close your lips the suction works. I guess out of habit I closed my lips with the water pick tube. My mouth immediately starts to fill up with water…….quickly. Suddenly I begin to panic a little. Mind you I am standing over the sink and all I have to do is open my mouth to save myself. Oh no, what’s happening? My eyes get big and then the light bulb goes on and I open my mouth. Whew! Okay, note to self, don’t do that.

So I try again. Things are going well then wouldn’t you know it I did it again! Then I added some crazy rookie move and must of took a breath when I should have spit or something and ended up with water up my nose. Apparently I should not be allowed to use this devise without adult supervision.

I will have to practice some before I can tell if it is working for me. Hopefully I won’t drown myself in the process! My question to you – The good news is there are a lot of new products out there to help us. What is your favorite, electric tooth brush, special mouth wash or the standard floss?