Blast from the past

Take a moment and turn your thoughts to a past memory. With all of the crazy and negative things going on I wanted to focus my thoughts on something fun. I remember a time in my past where I was happy just being me. I use to love my VW Bug. It had seen better days, in fact the front had been dented and covered in some gray cement, but it didn’t even matter. Once I put a bit of wax onto the remaining orange paint it was ready to go. It had a sun roof, a radio and a cassette player and that’s all I needed. It gave me that wonderful feeling of independence where I could get up and go any time I wanted. I enjoyed driving then, just driving to drive and it didn’t even matter the destination. The breeze was cool and life felt easy. Have a great day!

Change the Energy, Don’t feed the Monster

So many people are angry. It doesn’t seem to matter the topic there just seems to be this overabundance of attitude. I have had two different experiences lately of people unleashing their hate filled rants specifically at me. In both instances I was simply sitting minding my own business. I am not going to go into the details because I am not going to repeat their negative ranting and it really doesn’t change the fact that it was out of the blue and unprovoked.  I was able to calmly move myself out of the situation and go on my way but why do people feel that they are entitled to throw their opinions and anger around.

I see this hate as a monster. You can’t feed it by giving it the attention that it so badly demands. This monster is loud, aggressive and is unable or unwilling to listen to any conversation. It seems like there is too much of this opinion that you are either with me or against me and there is no place in the middle. So I have come up with a plan for myself. When I encounter one of these hate filled opinionated people either in person or online, I am going to counteract their energy with triple the love. I have no plan on engaging with them because it takes two to argue and if I don’t participate they have to move on. So after each of these episodes I completed three random acts of kindness. So I was able to show 6 unsuspecting people some kindness and show myself that the world has more love and compassion than this hate.

A simple list of some action to take is: Give a compliment. Let someone go in front of you in line. Don’t take the front parking place. Buy someone a coffee.  Bring treats to your coworkers. Put down the phone and play a game with your family. Put friendly notes around for others to find. There are a million things to do that can add a smile to someone’s day.  I would love to hear some more possibilities! Share a smile and share some kindness.